Daub SLIM Globe Divider Rounder

Daub SLIM Globe Divider Rounder

orCall +1 732-988-0060


Recommended Spares (for 3 years operation) Packaging Costs ACCESSORIES - Set O-rings and filters Optional Additions: Oiling of hopper plate Additional oiling of pusher block (3 holes) Additional oiling of pusher block (5 holes) Electric flour duster Hopper 200 lbs Adjustable vacuum reduction valve for hydrated dough Connection for compressed air Outfeed belt with waffle structure Dough scrapper on outfeed belt Optical safety curtain on hopper infeed


SLIM 7002-25 oz
SLIM 14007-50 oz
SLIM 170010-60 oz
SLIM 250015-60 oz
SLIM 2X2002-7 oz